____ a transformational monthly program of self-improvement with online group training and coaching.

What our members say about theĀ 
Monthly Membership:Ā 

If you want to learn more about yourself, your mind, and what makes you tick, then the Changing Minds Membership really is the place to be... Owen teaches with humor and good grace, discussing scientific notions embellished with stories to make them easy to relate to, understand, and put the theory into practice. Great stuff.
____Ā Lez Graham MA. (Scotland)

This is one membership I will not unsubscribe from. Changing Minds does what it says on the "tin", so to speak. From my own mind changing, to helping other people change theirs, it is an invaluable tool for enabling a better life. Everyone without exception would benefit from this unmatchable membership.
____Ā Roisin Oā€™Toole (Ireland)

The Changing Minds Monthly Membership continues to provide world-class resources for my personal development across many very relevant subjects. The group consists of like-minded genuine people who are willing to share whatever they can to add to the learning and fun we experience on a regular basis. I thoroughly recommend it.
____ Lee Spelzini (England)



In school, nobody tells you how to use your brain.Ā 

Nobody tells you how to handle the chaotic world out there.

Nobody tells you how to deal with the constant negative programming by the media and social media

Change is hard.

But it doesnā€™t have to be.

You have a choice.Ā 

Itā€™s easy to see yourself as a victim.

Itā€™s easy to paint yourself as a villain.

But there is a third option, and itā€™s also easy:

You can become the hero of your own life.

  • You can learn how your brain works and make lasting changes easily.
  • You can transform your relationship with others.
  • You can build habits that create the life you desire.
  • You can wake up each day motivated, with a plan.
  • You can become the kind of person that gets results.
  • You can feel in control of your life.

The Changing Minds Membership is about helping you to become the hero of your own life by training you in the art and science of mastering your mind and influencing the world.


Monthly Facebook LiveĀ TrainingĀ every month

Every month,Ā Owen willĀ present a 90 minutes long video training via Facebook Live where he will discuss topics such as goal achievement, habit change, emotional management, communication mastery and much more.

Online Video Course

released every three months

Every three months, we will release a full video training on various topics as  part of The Changing Minds Library to which you get full access. The modules will be released weekly so most weeks you'll have fresh content ready for you to study as long as you are a member.


___ STEP 1



Simply sign up here within seconds and become part of a membership designed to help you change your life.Ā 

___ STEP 2



Youā€™ll instantly be emailed access details after checking out. Once you login, youā€™ll gain access to hundreds of hours of content. We recommend you start with the orientation videos.

___ STEP 3



Every month, attend a deep dive training into how to apply psychology and neuroscience to transform your life. Show up, take notes and prepare toĀ  use everything you learn to build a better future.

BONUS ONE:Ā Get All The Schools Below Included

The Changing Mindsā„¢ Store has more than 15 courses on all aspects of personal change.Ā 

Each course is between 2 and 3 hours long and comprised of between 5 and 7 modules.


School Name Regular Price
Habits School $97
Motivation School $97
Discipline School $97
Sleep School $97
Thinking School $97
Strategy School $97
Decision School $97
Performance School $97
Focus School $97
Time Mastery $97
Emotion School $97
Happiness School $97
Love School $97
Confidence School $97
Communication School $97
Charisma School $97
Total Value $1485

BONUS TWO:Ā Full access to past sessions

Full Immediate Access to ALL of the past monthly sessions of Changing Mindsā„¢ Membership since we began in July 2020. Thatā€™s literally dozens of sessions..Ā 

BONUS THREE: Private Facebook Group

Gain access to private active Facebook group with the following benefits:Ā 

  • Owen will pop in weekly to answer your questions.
  • An incredibly supportive community.
  • Extra curated content and weekly check-ins to make sure youā€™re on track with your goals.

BONUS FOUR: Incredible Video Search Feature

With all of the amazing content at your fingertips, you can simply type in a word and find every single video where Owen uses that word and watch each video that you have found within seconds.
& a VERY COOL CHAT BOT This feature also offers you the chance to use a chat bot (Like an ā€˜Owen CHAT GPTā€™) where you can ask any question and if Owen has covered it in the 100+ hours of content you have access to, it will answer you like he would.

Join the Changing Mindsā„¢ Monthly Membership

$67 p/month

  • Instant Access to 90-minute Facebook Live Masterclasses on Self-Improvement each month.
  • A brand new Online School released into the members area every 3 months.
  • Bonus Access to the Changing Minds Library which includes 15+ courses.
  • Bonus Access to ALL of the past FB Live Masterclasses since we began in 2020.Ā 
  • Bonus Access to our community in our Private Changing Minds Facebook Group.
  • Bonus Video Search feature which allows you to search the entire database of content to find every time Iā€™ve covered a topic and immediately find that video. Youā€™ll also get access to a special Chat Bot which will allow you to ask any question and, if it has been covered in the content, youā€™ll get an answer to it.
  • Thatā€™s more than 100 HOURS OF CONTENT, all easily searchable, and to top it all off, we have SUMMARY SHEETS for every masterclass.

Join the Changing Mindsā„¢ Monthly Membership

$670 p/year

  • Instant Access to 90-minute Facebook Live Masterclasses on Self-Improvement each month.
  • A brand new Online School released into the members area every 3 months.
  • Bonus Access to the Changing Minds Library which includes 15+ courses.
  • Bonus Access to ALL of the past FB Live Masterclasses since we began in 2020.Ā 
  • Bonus Access to our community in our Private Changing Minds Facebook Group.
  • Bonus Video Search feature which allows you to search the entire database of content to find every time Iā€™ve covered a topic and immediately find that video. Youā€™ll also get access to a special Chat Bot which will allow you to ask any question and, if it has been covered in the content, youā€™ll get an answer to it.
  • Thatā€™s more than 100 HOURS OF CONTENT, all easily searchable, and to top it all off, we have SUMMARY SHEETS for every masterclass.



For us to succeed and be happy in life, we need to build continuous habits that lead to the kind of results we want.

Each month, Iā€™ll be tackling a topic or area from designing your life to emotional intelligence, from becoming more assertive to mastering communication, from changing habits to handling burnout. Iā€™ll be sharing with you what the science says and providing you with tangible and practical tools that you can immediately and easily implement in every masterclass.

Join the Changing Mindsā„¢ Monthly Membership

$67 p/month

  • Instant Access to 90-minute Facebook Live Masterclasses on Self-Improvement each month.
  • A brand new Online School released into the members area every 3 months.
  • Bonus Access to the Changing Minds Library which includes 15+ courses.
  • Bonus Access to ALL of the past FB Live Masterclasses since we began in 2020.Ā 
  • Bonus Access to our community in our Private Changing Minds Facebook Group.
  • Bonus Video Search feature which allows you to search the entire database of content to find every time Iā€™ve covered a topic and immediately find that video. Youā€™ll also get access to a special Chat Bot which will allow you to ask any question and, if it has been covered in the content, youā€™ll get an answer to it.
  • Thatā€™s more than 100 HOURS OF CONTENT, all easily searchable, and to top it all off, we have SUMMARY SHEETS for every masterclass.

Join the Changing Mindsā„¢ Monthly Membership

$670 p/year

  • Instant Access to 90-minute Facebook Live Masterclasses on Self-Improvement each month.
  • A brand new Online School released into the members area every 3 months.
  • Bonus Access to the Changing Minds Library which includes 15+ courses.
  • Bonus Access to ALL of the past FB Live Masterclasses since we began in 2020.Ā 
  • Bonus Access to our community in our Private Changing Minds Facebook Group.
  • Bonus Video Search feature which allows you to search the entire database of content to find every time Iā€™ve covered a topic and immediately find that video. Youā€™ll also get access to a special Chat Bot which will allow you to ask any question and, if it has been covered in the content, youā€™ll get an answer to it.
  • Thatā€™s more than 100 HOURS OF CONTENT, all easily searchable, and to top it all off, we have SUMMARY SHEETS for every masterclass.


Join the Changing Mindsā„¢ Monthly Membership

$67 p/month

  • Instant Access to 90-minute Facebook Live Masterclasses on Self-Improvement each month.
  • A brand new Online School released into the members area every 3 months.
  • Bonus Access to the Changing Minds Library which includes 15+ courses.
  • Bonus Access to ALL of the past FB Live Masterclasses since we began in 2020.Ā 
  • Bonus Access to our community in our Private Changing Minds Facebook Group.
  • Bonus Video Search feature which allows you to search the entire database of content to find every time Iā€™ve covered a topic and immediately find that video. Youā€™ll also get access to a special Chat Bot which will allow you to ask any question and, if it has been covered in the content, youā€™ll get an answer to it.
  • Thatā€™s more than 100 HOURS OF CONTENT, all easily searchable, and to top it all off, we have SUMMARY SHEETS for every masterclass.

Join the Changing Mindsā„¢ Monthly Membership

$670 p/year

  • Instant Access to 90-minute Facebook Live Masterclasses on Self-Improvement each month.
  • A brand new Online School released into the members area every 3 months.
  • Bonus Access to the Changing Minds Library which includes 15+ courses.
  • Bonus Access to ALL of the past FB Live Masterclasses since we began in 2020.Ā 
  • Bonus Access to our community in our Private Changing Minds Facebook Group.
  • Bonus Video Search feature which allows you to search the entire database of content to find every time Iā€™ve covered a topic and immediately find that video. Youā€™ll also get access to a special Chat Bot which will allow you to ask any question and, if it has been covered in the content, youā€™ll get an answer to it.
  • Thatā€™s more than 100 HOURS OF CONTENT, all easily searchable, and to top it all off, we have SUMMARY SHEETS for every masterclass.


In March 2020, as COVID rampaged through our world, I felt helpless. While the brave healthcare workers walked into the storm, I kept asking myself the question ā€˜What can I do?ā€™. I just moved to New York the year before and lived miles away from anyone I knew. I wanted to help in any way I could so I created a Facebook Group called Rising from Adversity.Ā 

The first video I posted was on March 17th 2020 and I began to show up live, every single day at the same time, teaching strategies and insights that I have learned over more than 25 years while studying personal change and working with thousands of people. An incredible community of folks joined and over the next few months, I found a way to share strategies for mental health and success to those who were struggling.

After multiple requests, I decided to create a monthly membership where each month I would show up on facebook and teach a 90-minute seminar. Now, a few years later, weā€™ve built a wonderful community of individuals all interested in personal change and developing themselves.Ā 

Our members all have one thing in common. They are interested in learning about and leveraging insights from psychology, neuroscience, and other areas of personal change, to optimize their life.


Hi, Iā€™m Owen Fitzpatrick. Creator of the Changing Mindsā„¢ Monthly Membership. Iā€™m a psychologist, author, and speaker. Iā€™m also the creator and host of the Changing Minds Podcast where Iā€™ve interviewed top experts such as Robert Cialdini, Nir Eyal, John Demartini, and my mentor and co-author Dr Richard Bandler (co-creator of NLP).Ā 

Having worked with Fortune 100 companies, billionaires and Olympic Athletes, Iā€™ve learned some of the key differentiators between most people and the highest performing individuals. Having traveled to more than 100 countries and spoken to audiences in 31 countries, Iā€™ve been fortunate to work with people from all across the world. My online videos including my viral TEDx talk have been viewed more than 2 million times. Iā€™ve written 9 books on behavioral science that have been translated into 21 languages. As a therapist and coach, I worked with thousands of people helping them improve their life by learning to leverage the power of their mind. As a trainer and speaker, I specialize in the areas of belief and influence and creator of the field called Belief Leadershipā„¢Ā 

I have studied Strategic Negotiation at Harvard Business School and Digital Persuasion at MIT. When I was 17, I became Europeā€™s youngest hypnotherapist and a few years later starred in my own weekly TV show on Irish national television - where I helped guests overcome limiting beliefs in front of hundreds of thousands of viewers. Iā€™ve also studied screenwriting and have won awards as an actor and filmmaker at festivals in Austin, Chicago and New York. I currently live in New York City and am originally from Dublin, Ireland.

When I was a teenager, I struggled a lot with my mental health. I felt depressed and anxious with very low self-esteem. I felt like I was a victim of my world and at the same time, my own worst enemy. While there were plenty of ā€˜gurusā€™ out there making promises with empty platitudes, I went searching for the question: how do I make life worthwhile? I studied hypnosis, NLP, Psychology and found elements in each that helped me massively. The biggest shift, however, was in realizing the only difference between a victim or villain and a hero is INFLUENCE.Ā 

When I learned to focus on what I could influence or control, everything changed for me. From that moment on, I became obsessed with learning everything I could about mastering my mind. Iā€™ve been lucky enough to have a platform where Iā€™ve gotten to reach millions of people, helping them to take control of their life. Iā€™d love the chance to help you too.

Join the Changing Mindsā„¢ Monthly Membership

$67 p/month

  • Instant Access to 90-minute Facebook Live Masterclasses on Self-Improvement each month.
  • A brand new Online School released into the members area every 3 months.
  • Bonus Access to the Changing Minds Library which includes 15+ courses.
  • Bonus Access to ALL of the past FB Live Masterclasses since we began in 2020.Ā 
  • Bonus Access to our community in our Private Changing Minds Facebook Group.
  • Bonus Video Search feature which allows you to search the entire database of content to find every time Iā€™ve covered a topic and immediately find that video. Youā€™ll also get access to a special Chat Bot which will allow you to ask any question and, if it has been covered in the content, youā€™ll get an answer to it.
  • Thatā€™s more than 100 HOURS OF CONTENT, all easily searchable, and to top it all off, we have SUMMARY SHEETS for every masterclass.

Join the Changing Mindsā„¢ Monthly Membership

$670 p/year

  • Instant Access to 90-minute Facebook Live Masterclasses on Self-Improvement each month.
  • A brand new Online School released into the members area every 3 months.
  • Bonus Access to the Changing Minds Library which includes 15+ courses.
  • Bonus Access to ALL of the past FB Live Masterclasses since we began in 2020.Ā 
  • Bonus Access to our community in our Private Changing Minds Facebook Group.
  • Bonus Video Search feature which allows you to search the entire database of content to find every time Iā€™ve covered a topic and immediately find that video. Youā€™ll also get access to a special Chat Bot which will allow you to ask any question and, if it has been covered in the content, youā€™ll get an answer to it.
  • Thatā€™s more than 100 HOURS OF CONTENT, all easily searchable, and to top it all off, we have SUMMARY SHEETS for every masterclass.